Sunday, December 12

Two Cities

I'm reading A Tale of Two Cities. I remember loving it when I read it during a break when I was in college. But now, I'm perplexed. I read about the first one third of the book tonight. And most of it, I don't remember at all! I remember enough parts here and there to convince me that I really did read it. But gosh, no wonder I never seem to know anything! When I read novels, I totally lose myself in them. I read them with my heart, I think, and not really with my mind. So then I'm left with impressions. I couldn't tell you the names of the characters, or much about the plot. But I could tell you how I felt while I read the book. And that is not really a lot of help! You can't win Jeopardy that way! Books I could tell you a lot about are ones I read in childhood, and read 10 times over. Little Women. Little Men. Anne of Green Gables... all 8 books. Meet the Austins. A Wrinkle in Time and all its relations. Fox in Socks. :-) You know, all the great literature.

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