Friday, March 16

Toxic Chemicals in Use

In my brain, that is. OChem is killing me. Here's the deal. Any vet school prerequisite that I complete after I've been granted admission has to be completed with a 3.0 or higher. No problem, right? I can count on two fingers all the times I've earned less than a 3.0. Why would I have any trouble getting a 3.0 in OChem? Well, because it's OCHem. Still, had I completed OChem one quarter earlier, there would not be a problem. Life would be good. Even with a 2.5 or so, I would still have easily been admitted. My cumulative GPA would have made OChem a blip on the screen. But since WSU decided to admit me a month before I would have completed OChem, now anything less than a 3.0 means either retaking the course over summer, or having the offer of admission rescinded. So OChem is killing me.

I'm trying SO HARD. I think most people don't get it. Don't understand that I am really not getting this stuff. That I can't find anyone to really sit down and help me. Everyone seems to think someone else could do it, or that I don't really need help as badly as I think I do. They smile and say "oh, you'll do fine. I know you can do it."

I study in every way I can find. I buy extra books and flashcards and study guides. I ask for help from the professor, from classmates, from friends, from tutors at another school. I study and study. And I've improved all the way from the high 3o percents to the low 70's! Well, super. a 73 is just the same as a 37, at this point. Both are failing grades where the vet school is concerned.

I tried to study today and succeeded only in lying in front of the wood stove staring at my books. I have three more study days before the final and honestly see very little point in studying at all. I've emailed my professor twice in the last three days and had no response. I've called ten times and got his voicemail. I called my friend, a Chemistry Professor at another school, but he has more important things to do. Which is okay, I mean, whichever things he chooses to do are the more important things, right? I just wish he would choose to help me. I need help.

OChem is killing me.

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