Thursday, December 16


What kind of website needs almost 10 hours of downtime nearly every single night? What are they doing, manually reconstructing the whole thing every night, like elves in a cobbler's shop, busily busily cutting leather and setting tiny cobbler's nails? It's not like they're running any complex or sensitive software, or like patches come along so frequently that they just can't keep up. It's a stupid community college website, where you can only get any information (like your grades!) between 6:30 a.m and 9:00 p.m. daily. 9:00 p.m.? What the heck? I tried to register for classes recently and couldn't because it was after 9:00. Who has time to do this stuff in the daytime? Isn't the greatness of internet services that you can use them nearly any time at all? Do you see Amazon shutting down every night? If the illustrious institution that is Spokane Falls Community College could realize any sort of profit by actually making things convenient, I am sure they would find a way to shorten their maintenance windows. Don't they want me to pay my tuition today? I'm right here, awake, willing to hand over my credit card number, and they won't take it. Because the system can't be awake while its administrators are asleep!?

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