Tuesday, October 12

Biology and Brown Bread

Having just written about the pleasures of Jello Salad, let me now explain to you the virtues of brown bread. The thing is, while at Nordhagen family gatherings it is perfectly acceptable to eat Jello Salad, when one returns to everyday life it is important to eat well. This is something I have tried to believe for many years. I have never succeeded. But then, see, I started taking Biology from Velma. Velma is a great teacher, and besides loving Biology, she is passionately opposed to any kind of processed foods and artificial anythings entering the human body. Given her rather exhaustive knowledge of cell biology, this is not surprising. When Velma shows you a molecule, and draws just exactly how those evil corporate food scientists alter that molecule to make everything they put it in taste Sooo good, and then she carefully explains just how your cells will try to deal with this non-naturally occuring substance masquerading as "food," you quite suddenly lose all desire to put that stuff in your mouth. It's not just unnatural molecules, though. It's all the things they do to remove what is actually good for you from the natural stuff, leaving a shell of what God intended for that natural stuff to be, and rendering it incapable of doing for you what it should. Oh, and then there's High Fructose Corn Syrup, the non-fat fat producer extraordinaire.

So the long and short of it is, I've become obsessed with avoiding that High Fructose junk, and White Bread is suddenly my mortal enemy. Give me King Arthur Whole Wheat Flour or give me Death! I've been baking Whole Wheat Bread and sweetening it with molasses. It's So Yummy, and I feel so Happy for my little cells while I eat it.

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